Macro Nutrition | STANDALONE Farm

Macro Nutrition

is a plant nutrient that is needed in relatively large quantities. Some of these include: nutrient elements Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S).

1.   Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen plays a role in the formation of cells, tissues, and organs of plants. It serves as as synthetic materials of chlorophyll, protein, and amino acids. Therefore his presence was needed in large quantities, especially during vegetative growth. Along with phosphorus (P), nitrogen is used to regulate plant growth overall. There are two forms of nitrogen and ammonium nitrate IE. A number of researches proving the ammonium should not more than 25% of the total nitrogen concentration. If overdone, the figure quickly but the plants susceptible to the attack of the disease. Nitrogen derived from ammonium will slow down growth because it binds carbohydrates so that supply is a little bit. Thus the food reserve as capital flowering also minimal. As a result of the plant is not capable of flowering. If nitrogen is the dominant form of nitrates, then plant cells will be compact and powerful that is more disease resistant. To know the content and the form of nitrogen N fertilizer can be seen from the packaging a) lack of nitrogen-deficient Plants known from the lower part of the leaf. That leaves yellowing due to lack of chlorophyll. Further drying and loss. The bones below the surface of the leaves look pale. Plant growth is slow, weak and stunted. Flower and seed production is low. b) Excess color of the leaves is too green, leafy plant with leaves. The process of disposal being long. Addendum designate is sekulen because it contains a lot of water. It causes attacks of Boletus and diseases vulnerable, and easily collapsed. Flower production is declining.
2.   Phosphorus (P), Phosphorus is a component of the compiler of several enzymes, proteins, ATP, RNA, and DNA. ATP is important to the process of energy transfer RNA and DNA, while in determines the genetic traits of the plant. Element P may have contributed to the growth of the seed, root, flower, and fruit. By improving the structure of rooting so any nutrients absorption better. Along with potassium, phosphorus is used to stimulate flowering. It is natural because the plant needs against increased phosphorus high when the plant will bloom. a) Deficiency starts from old leaves become purplish tend to gray. The edges of the leaves are Brown, bone colored dark green leaves. Scorched, tiny leaves, stunted growth, and eventually fall out. Phase of slow growth and Dwarf plants. b) Excess Excess P causes the absorption of other elements especially micro elements such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) is interrupted. But the symptoms are not physically look at the plant.
3.   Potassium (K) Potassium acts as a regulator of plant physiology processes such as fotosintetis, accumulation, translocation, carbohydrate transport, opening closed stomata, or manage water distribution in tissues and causes this item defects as burn and leaves finally fall. Elemental potassium is closely related to calcium and magnesium. There is antagonism between properties of potassium and calcium. And also between potassium and magnesium. The nature of antagonism led to the defeat of one of the elements to be absorbed if the plant composition is unbalanced. Elemental potassium is absorbed more quickly by the plant compared to calcium and magnesium. If the element potassium deficiency symptoms are the same as excess magnesium. Because of the nature of the antagonism between potassium and magnesium greater than nature of antagonism between potassium and calcium. However, in some cases, the excess potassium symptoms are similar to plants lack calcium. a shortage of K Deficiency) is visible from the very bottom of the dried leaves or there are patches of charred. Easy flower loss. The edges of the leaves ' charred ', the leaves are rolled down, and prone to bouts of illness. b) Excess Excess K causes the absorption of Ca and Mg. Stunted plant growth. So the plant is deficient.
4.   Magnesium (Mg) Magnesium is the activator that plays a role in energy transport of some enzymes in plants. This is a very dominant element of its existence in the leaves, especially for the availability of chlorophyll. So the adequacy of magnesium is indispensable to facilitate the process of photosynthesis. An element that is also a core component of enzymes and chlorophyll formation in different process of protein synthesis. Magnesium deficiency causes a number of elements are not go because the energy is available. That is simply a weighted item carried by the ' light ' such as nitrogen. As a result formed cells are large but dilute. The tissue becomes weak and the distance between the segment length. Traits just as symptoms of etiologic-light deficiencies at the plant. a) Deficiencies Appear yellow splotches

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