Micro Nutrition | STANDALONE Farm

Micro Nutrition

Micro Nutrition

Micro elements are the items needed in the least amount of plants. Although only absorbed in small amounts, but it is very important to support the success of processes in plants. Without micro elements, adenium does not appear. Interest will be weak, etc. Micro-elements that are: boron, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and molybdenum.

1.     Boron (B) Boron is closely related to the process of formation, the Division and differentiation, and cell division. This is related to his role in the synthetic RNA, base material forming cells. Boron is transported from the roots to the plant through xylem vessels heading. In the soil boron available in limited quantities and easily leached. Boron deficiency is most commonly found in adenium. Its leaves are similar to variegates. a) Lack of darker-colored Leaves than normal leaves, thick, and shrinking. b) Excess ends of the leaves yellow and suffered necrosis

2.     Copper (Cu) copper activator is an important function and brings some enzymes. He also helped smooth the process of photosynthesis. Composing chlorophyll, and plays a role in the reproduction. a deficiency of Green Leaves) bluish leaves, buds shrink and grow small, flower growth stunted. b) Excess Plants grow pheasant, branching is limited, the formation of stunted roots, thickened roots and dark colored.

3.     Zinc (Zn) is almost similar to that of Mn and Mg, the Stinger was instrumental in the formation of chlorophyll, enzyme activator and help the process of photosynthesis. A deficiency usually occurs on the media which have long used. a) Shortage of slow growth, the distance between the short book, dwarf leaf, or rolled on one side then followed with the loss. Would fruit yellowing, open, and eventually fall. Any fruit would be more limp and so that the fruit should have a straight bending. b) Excess of excess zinc does not show the real impact.

4.     Iron (fe) iron plays a role in the process of the formation of the protein, as a catalyst for the formation of chlorophyll. Iron acts as an electron carrier in the process of fotosintetis and respiration, as well as being the activator of several enzymes. This item is not easy to move so that if there is a shortage of hard repaired. Fe most often contradictory or antagonistic with other micro-elements. To reduce the effect of the Fe is often wrapped with either a chelate (chelate) such as EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid). EDTA is a component of the nonprofit organic stabilizing metal ions. The presence of EDTA Fe antagonist properties then at high pH decreases considerably. On the market are found under the brand name Fe-EDTA. a deficiency of Iron Deficiency) are indicated with symptoms of choruses or yellowing leaves and necrosis. Young leaves appear white due to lack of chlorophyll. In addition occur because of damage to the roots. If adenium issued from within will be seen bits and pieces of dead roots. b) Excess grant of fertilizer with high Fe content causes the necrosis is characterized by the emergence of black spots on the leaves.

5.     Molybdenum (Mo) Mo serving as a carrier of electrons to convert nitrates into enzymes. This element also plays a role in nitrogen fixation. a) Deficiency is indicated by the appearance of choruses on older leaves, then extends to young leaves b) Excess Surplus does not show symptoms that are real on adenium.

6.     Manganese (Mn) a). The excess Manganese is a required element of micro amounts of plants that is not too much. Manganese was instrumental in the synthesis of chlorophyll in addition acts as a Coenzyme, as an activator of several enzymes in respiration, nitrogen metabolism and reactions of photosynthesis. Manganese is also needed to nitrate reeducates activating so that plants that are experiencing a shortage of manganese source requires N in the form of NH4 +. The role of manganese in photosynthesis related to release of electrons from the water in the solution into hydrogen and oxygen. The function of nutrient elements of manganese (Mn) for plants is: a. Required by plants for the formation of protein and vitamin b. vitamin C especially played an important role in maintaining the condition of the green leaves on the old leaves c. acts as enzyme activators peroxidase and as various enzymes d. acts as an important component for the successful process of assimilation of Mn required in lettuce cotyledon culture to spur the growth of the number of shoots produced. MN in high levels can split the tomato root culture in Mo. MN can replace the function of Mg in several enzyme systems such as evidenced by Hewitt in 1948. b). nutrient Deficiency, Deficiency or a deficiency of other nutrient elements said. can cause abnormal growth of plants can be caused by a deficiency of one or more of the nutrient elements, distractions can be a symptom of a specific visual.

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