Organic Chili Peppers | STANDALONE Farm

Organic Chili Peppers

Organic Chili Peppers
Organic Chili Peppers

Organic chili pepper is produced from plants that use organic patterns. Excess organic chili usually endurance fruit longer, have a fairly heavy weights compared chili chemical, and certainly very good for human health.
How to plant organic chili there is some stage includes: preparation of nursery, though the land, planting, fertilizing, harvesting and care. In the cultivation of organic chili must be considered gradually to fullest development.
A.    Preparation of nursery
1.   Sort seeds
The chili seed will be sown should, by way of seed sown muted in warm water for about 1-2 hours. Take the seeds of chili that sunk and discard the seed chili floating. Because floating seeds is low quality as well as vulnerable by the disease.
2.   Sterilizations of seeds
Seed further muted again using a solution of water mixed with micro-organisms. Micro-organisms are fertilizers that use bacteria as the active ingredient because it can be beneficial to plants.
3.   Seeding
Prepare media for use tray or dike wall for. The first have been processed and mixed with manure. It's good to use sterilized mushrooms tricoderma. After ready soon for the seeds of chili and it covered with manure are slim.
4.   Closure
Seeding seeds chili is completed, immediately close the dike wall for the white plastic with transparent. It is aimed at in order to secure the seedbed of pests and not exposed to rain water directly. And after sprouting soon opened plastic cover each side so that air can enter. It also routinely watered using water mixed with organic fertilizers teal.
B.    Cultivation
1.   Processing
Land can be processed in the traditional way or use machinery such as tractors. The purpose of cultivation is to make the soil becomes loose because the plant will grow best when the loose soil.
2.   The making of the dike wall or place the plant
After the land is cultivated the loose then formed dike wall with a width of 1 m and a height of 40 cm. purpose of establishment of this dike wall to reduce the water content in the soil.
3.   The granting of basic fertilizers
When the dike wall is ready immediately to give manure as the floor evenly on every dike wall and sprayed fertilizer and organic mushrooms tricodherma for sterilization of the land.
4.   Installation of the plastic mulch
Installation of mulch are fitted with silver color position above and below this dark creature, adjust the dike wall bil are already fitting lock with bamboo that has created such a tally. Then when it is installed make holes with distance between holes 40 cm line as much as 2 or 3 rows of holes.
C.    Planting
After the dike wall was finished and seed was 1 month or a minimum of 3 then leafy ready moved to the dike wall. Take the seed strive not to land there is left. After that the chili seed input into the dike wall holes one by one. When possible after planting directly sprayed with water so that the plant does not stress.
D.    Fertilization
Fertilizing allowed from the age of two weeks after planting and so on one week once. This form of giving of the fertilizing manure organic liquid.
E.  Maintenance
The treatment is done in order to tackle insect pests or fungus. Spray using fungus trichoderma one week once, and make a potion of poison from the plants to repel pests.
F.   Harvesting
Harvesting is done when the creature already chili red, and ready-cooked or sold on the market.

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