Orchid Fertilizers | STANDALONE Farm

Orchid Fertilizers

Famous Orchid flowers with the flower of beauty. Very diverse color Orchid flowers. Ranging from white, red, purple, yellow and many more color Orchid flowers. "Now a lot of people who keep the Orchid plant. No longer as decorating the House, but now it has become a lifestyle. So nice growing orchid’s flowers need to be cared for diligently. From watering, fertilizing and more. If not cared for properly, orchids can not durable. Therefore it is very important the Orchid plant care. The granting of a good fertilizer will make the Orchid plant is getting a good deal. The growth, flowering and plant regeneration of orchids will be good.
On this occasion, will be presented how to make fertilizer for orchids. This is a very good fertilizer once, because it consists of materials that are environmentally friendly. Also often referred to as organic fertilizer to plant orchids. But there are also called organic fertilizer Orchid flowers. The basic material for the manufacture of fertilizers orchids is really easy. Because the base material used is the usual material there is in the House. And fertilizers the Orchid plant is very environmentally friendly. And there is no negative impact against the man. In addition we can teach children to learn to make fertilizer Orchid flowers. What is the materials used need to note the following:
Orchid fertilizer’s homemade
The ingredients are prepared
               Ø Milk casserole
               Ø Air coconut! Liter
               Ø Rice Casserole 1 handheld
               Ø Size bottle of mineral water 2 liter
Manufacture of fertilizers orchids
Wash bottle mineral water size 2 liters or more. After the cleaner let dry until no longer wet. When a bottle of mineral water is ready, place the coconut milk. To use coconut water coconut water is still fresh. When the coconut water is long then the results are not good. When the coconut water is already placed in a bottle of mineral water, place the milk is already stale. Why should stale milk, because we will be utilizing bacteria growing on stale milk. Not only do the bacteria we also utilize existing content in the milk. Already entered into the milk bottle, continued input of already stale, rice is used. If all the material has entered into the bottle. Shake the bottle so that all the ingredients are mixed perfectly. When stale milk, coconut milk, and Rice Casserole already mixed then the fermentation process will occur. For the fermentation process takes at least 7 days. When it's been 7 days then fermentation has been completed. Orchid fertilizer is ready to use.
Doses of fertilizer application orchids 10 Mille mixed 1 liter of water. Spray on the orchid plants and flowers. The good news is done e.g. spraying today. And a good time for spraying is 10:00 am-09:00 am. Orchids will be good if the expansion continues sprayed with fertilizers. This Orchid fertilizer, not just for orchids only. For other plants as well as good. Especially for these types of flowering plants. Because of the nutrients contained in the excellent for the growth of flowers.

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