Microbes For Agriculture | STANDALONE Farm

Microbes For Agriculture

Microbes For Agriculture
Microbes For Agriculture

Generally thefertilizers used for plants is an indispensable nutrient element but at the moment it is widely used as a fertilizer microbes. Because it has a good function for the plant, it also friendly to the environment.

1.    Lactobacillus citrovorum used to scent on butter and cheese.
2.    Streptococcus thermophillus Lactobacillus bulgaricus and yogurt to make
3.    Lactobacillus lactic to manufacture cheese
4.    Acetobacter aceti for the process of making vinegar
5.    Acetobacter xylinum for the making of Natta de coco
6.    Penicillium camemberti and the Penicillium roqueforti used to improve the quality of the cheese.
7.    E. coli is used as an indicator of the quality of the food.
8. Methanobacterium omelianskii and Methanobacterium ruminatumused to elaborate the vinegar into methane and carbon dioxide.
9.    Bacillus thuringiensis as a caterpillar pest exterminator, producing indotoksin.
10. Pseudomonas sp to prevent plants from death on condition of cold environments.
11. Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus and Nitrobacter plays a role in the process of penggemburan the ground.
12. Thiobacillus feroxidan role for the solution of metal ores of copper containing low.
13. Amanita muscaria muskarin toxin producers that can kill flies (found in the feces of cattle.
14. Corynobacterium untuj acid-producing role glutamicum in glutamate. Glutamic acid is used as the manufacture of monosodium glutamate (MSG).
15. Aspergillus niger producing citric acid acts as a fermentation andlivestock feed.
16. Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus sojae to making soy sauce.
17. Pseudomonas SP. And propionibacterium spp. Act as producers of vitamin B12.
18. Leuconostoc mesenteroides. Act as producers of sucrose
19. Saccaromyces fragilis acts as producing lactase
20. Pinicillium penicillium chrysogenum notatum and acted as producer of antibiotic pinisilin.
21. Cephalosporium acted as producer of penicillin called penicillinN.
22. Of Streptomyces griseus was cast as streptomisim generator capable of Taming the microorganisms that are resistant to Penicillins and cephalosporins.
23. Bacillus brevis acts as an antibiotic-producing tirotrisin.
24. Bacillus subtilis acted as producer of antibiotics basitrasin
25. Bacillus polymyxa serves as the producer of polimixin.
26. Rhizopus oryzae plays a role in the making of tempe.
27. Aspergillus wentii/aspergillus sojae was instrumental in making soy sauce.
28. Lactobacillus SP. was instrumental in the creation of shrimp paste.
29. Pediococcus cerevisiae plays a role in the making of the sausage.
30. Neurospora sithopila was instrumental in the making of fermented beans because it produces a red and orange.
31. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was instrumental in the making of bread and tape.
32. Saccharomyces fibulegera for the manufacture of tape and fermented fodder.
33. Accetobacter xylinum plays a role in the making of nata de koko.
34. Saccharomyces ellipsoideus role in fermenting the grapes into wine.
35.Leuconostoc mesenteriodes/Lactobacillus plantarum was instrumental in ferment cabbage into sauerkraut.
36. Saccaromyces rouxii/lactobacillus delbrueckii was instrumental in making miso.
37. substilis Bacillus was instrumental in making syrup and liquid sugar.
38. Lactobacillus casei/cremoris Sterptococcus play a role in the manufacture of cheese.
39. Candida SP. was instrumental in making kefir.
40. Spirulina and chlorella sebabai single cell protein

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